Many people don’t know this, but you can save a lot of money by buying a Fleshlight combo pack that fits your requirements. These combo packs include a whole bunch of products for a price that’s cheaper than if you had to buy them separately. The Fleshlight combo packs are a particularly good deal in the current economic environment, with people looking to get good deals and save money wherever they can.
And you know what people do in a recession don’t you? They masturbate a heck of a lot more. Which means that having a Fleshlight in this environment is all the more essential to get you through the day! (I’m not kidding on the masturbation fact by the way).
Today I’m going to chat about a Fleshlight Combo pack that you can use with your partner. The Lover’s Delight combo pack is a good option if you have a partner and use or want to start using sex toys in the bedroom. And you can buy her this as a ‘gift’, while reaping the benefits (sneaky).
The Lover’s Delight Combo Pack
Combo Cost: $110.85 (buy here)
This Fleshlight combo is designed for you and your lover. It’s got a whole lot of kinky little goodies that you can both use in combo during your lovemaking.
What’s in the Lover’s Delight Combo:
There’s stuff for you, stuff for her, and stuff for both of you together.
For the guy
All these are self-explanatory, but if not have a look around this site for more on these products.
Fleshlight Case in Black
Sleeve: Vagina Orifice with a super tight texture
Fleshlube Water Lubricant
For the girl
Rabbit Pearl Vibrator
This vibrator was made famous by Sex and the City. It is called a rabbit vibrator because it’s got ‘rabbit ears’ that quiver the clitoris. Little white pearls spin around which generates this orgasmic convulsing sensation across the entire device.It is durable, relatively quiet (although it doesn’t really matter with this combo). It would normally cost $59.95 by itself, so it’s very cheap in this combination. Trust me, she’s going to love it.
For both of you
Screaming O Two-O
This is a cock-ring that vibrates, and is disposable to boot! But it’s not only for the guy to use, while it’s vibrating the guy, it’s also directly stimulating the girl. Quite an unbelievable orgasmic experience.
The Fleshlube can also be used by both of you
Total Combo Cost: $110.85
(you can do the math on how much these items would cost individually)